A garden: Its An Affordable Luxury Item.
When the GardenAdvice team start working with our viewers and MyGardenTeam plus service clients one of the first questions we are often asked is how much is it all going to cost, happily the answer is a flexible one based one how much time you have available and on what time scale you wish to create a garden. As an example we had two clients when we started on the MyGardenTeam service one in a rush to create an instant garden the other newly retired with lots of time and not in such a rush to create a garden. The first spent about £10,000 mainly on plants and it took 6 months to design and build the garden. the second spent £600 on seeds, rooted cuttings and young plants plus a small greenhouse and over a period of 5 years developed a garden. Both clients pretty much ended up with the same garden in terms of size and amount of plants. The interesting point is that the client working on a lower budget with a long term plan provided by the Gardenadvice team on the MyGardenTeam plus service seemed to enjoy his garden a lot more that the client spending much more money.
Not many luxury items allow you to build them or develop them from scratch and offer so much interested and fun on the way.
The GardenAdvice team are dedicated to helping you achieve your gardening aims and its up to you how quickly you wish to develop a garden, our main object is to help you create an over all plan at the start of the project so you have a good idea where you are going and do not waste any time or money.
You are going to spend some money developing a garden regardless of which route you take but it need not be a large sum and with a good plan you can start saving whilst you are sowing the first seeds and taking the first cuttings. We are no experts on saving but it looks like the best place to save is with a mutual society such as the Scottish Friendly mutual just open a simple savings account, call it the garden account and over a two to three year period its easy to build up enough money for the larger items in your garden such as the paving for a new patio.
Creating a garden also lends itself to swapping plants with friends and neighbors and collecting used items that might be of use for example old sheds and patio slabs often found by looking in your local paper or ebay. With the plant swapping the MyGardenteam service offers this in the winter for the services clients to swap and trade plants in the winter months.