BTO – Latest Breeding Bird Survey results reveal finch fluctuations
Many householders have become increasingly familiar with the sight of Siskins and Lesser Redpolls on their bird feeders, and the latest figures from the BTO Breeding Bird Survey, confirm that 2012 was a great year for both of these small finches: Siskins increased by 28% between 2011 and 2012, and Lesser Redpolls increased by 25%. However, Greenfinches, which have been hit hard by the disease trichomonosis, continue to decline. The full report contains the national population trends for over 100 of our widespread bird species.
Over the last few years more and more birds that you not normally visit gardens and garden bird feeders have become regular visitors to gardens all over the UK. For the home bird watcher this is great news although not every bird has seen an increase in gardens one example being the sparrow which have seen a drastic decline over the last few years in both gardens and the wider countryside.