Christmas With
The GardenAdvice team show you how to create some simple Christmas decorations from the plants in your garden
At this time year your garden has all the elements and can provide all the inspriation to create some great home-made Christmas decorations.
Using your existing garden plants a few simple shop purchased decorations, you can create your very own Christmas decorations to suit your own home style.
Some suitable plants are Conifers, Euonymus, sedum. ivy, holly cotonester, pyrcantha, fir cones and rose hips. One of the easiest ways to create your own decorations with these plants is to create fireplace garland, or Christmas wreath.
The Fireplace garland is one of the simplest Christmas decorations to create, simply by using a shelf above a fireplace to create a natural looking seasonal decoration. The key is to use 3 or 4 items, such as candles and baubles to give the decoration a structure.
Click here to download the ‘how to pdf on how to create a fireplace garland’.
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