Couch grass and bindweed growing in between your plants
Couch grass and bindweed growing in between your plants. As the weather warms up if you face the problem of couch grass, bindweed and ground elder growing in between your plants such as roses and other shrubs now and early spring is a good time to tackle this with weed sticks such as Roundup weedkiller gel.
Roundup only acts on the green parts of the plant or weed so at this time of year when your deciduous plants are dormant its easy to apply directly to the green leaves and stems of couch grass, bindweed and ground elder as they start to actively grow. If you touch the bare brown stems of your plants the weed killing chemical will not be taken up by the plant.
RoundUp weed killer is best applied on dry frost free days. Whilst the GardenAdvice team do not recommend the wholesale use of weed killers for these difficult weeds this is a very targeted method limiting the impact on your gardens natural enviroment.