Finding Inspirational Feature Ideas For Modern City Garden.
Its always hard coming up with the next with new and fresh ideas for a small city garden or courtyard. Its all been done before from the use of stainless steel to live willow screen, its just not that easy to come up with new fresh ideas to amaze you friends or in our case your clients. However we mange to pull it off most days and just when we think we have run out of amazing ideas for garden features another one comes along.
In our case our garden designers with a client start by creating an image often in our minds eye of what the ideal garden should look like in terms of style, The style is often created by the purpose of the garden for example if its being created to sit in or as a view from a house or office window. Planting also plays a key role in creating a style, two gardens with the same elements and structure can often have a vastly different style ranging for a soft country planting style to a hard jungle planting style using large leafed and bold plants such as Cannas or iris.
On a recent city garden design project using bold type plants to create a courtyard jungle effect we need to introduce some lighting as a feature so we used the unlikely material of industrial square ducting under light with garden lights to create a raise path of light stepping stones through our planting jungle. It all started with an image we wanted to create within the garden and this image lent itself to using industrial ducting combined with lighting to achieve the effect we were after.
Its often strange to see were our ideas of city garden features take us after many hours searching on the internet for right look we are trying to achieve. In this case it led us to industrial ducts.