Our Yearly Gunnera Competition.
Our yearly Gunnera Competition:
First prize: £250 worth of plants for your garden
To celebrate the arrival of spring we are running a fun competition with a prize of £250 worth of plants for the person who can guess the time and day when our Gunnera reaches 60 centimetres from the top of the crown to the tip of the uppermost leaf.
Just email your estimated guess of day and time in hours and minutes and send it to us.gunnera@gardenadvice.co.uk . One entry only per email address. In the event of more than one winner, the prize will be shared. Fifty runners-up will receive a free gardening book, Bugs, slugs and other invaders by Sarah Ford. Prizes will be sent within 14 days of the competition’s closing date – i.e. when the Gunnera reaches its 60 centimetres!
Good Luck! We will be publishing our Gunnera’s growth progress twice a day, in the morning and early evening, which you can follow on our Twitter page. http://twitter.com/mygardenteam