Selling your house – get noticed with some garden lighting
Selling your house used to be all about kerb appeal, making a great first impression as your prospective buyer sees your house for the first time. Kerb appeal is still important in selling your house but has little or no point if you are not attracting prospective buyers in the first place.
Over the last 12 months the landscape around selling your house has changed dramatically with online estate agents offering less of a personal service and social distancing making virtual tours more popular. It’s now all about going a step further and producing the wow factor with pictures and videos you can use to promote your property online.
Producing a few pictures and videos of your house for online use is not as easy as it sounds unless you happen to be Steven Spielberg with experienced photographers and video production crews. However one easy way to produce some pictures and videos that will get your house noticed online is to introduce some garden lighting, it’s easy to do and creates an instant wow factor.
Uplighting in your front garden focusing on the front of the house will create pictures that make you smaller than average Clapham terraced house look as though it’s a kensington mansion, well at least in the pictures anyway. Lighting a few select trees and bushes in your garden will have the same effect.
No one is suggesting that gardening lighting is going to sell your house not least because your prospective buyers are unlikely to visit at night time in the dark but pictures and videos with wow factor will get them to your door then kerb appeal takes over and it’s up to you.
For tips and ideas on lighting your garden to create the wow factor visit the up gardener at