Sign Up For GardenAdvice Winter Tree Pruning Service Today!
Winter And Gardening – In the upcoming months of Autumn and Winter where outside begins to get cold, gardeners are somewhat discouraged from going into the garden. This can lead to neglect of one’s plants and trees until the following year where by that time many plants can die or become damaged.
Winter Pruning of plants and care of one’s fruit trees is the basic foundation for quality plants and fruits alike. This method encourages fruiting spurs in which fruit buds emerge as well as healthy fruit and plant development. If you are planing to carry out some winter pruning remember is you are not sure how to prune your plants or fruit trees and bushes you can always use our free gardening advice service to request some advice and help. Its also worth planing your pruning task as well before hand, remember to wrap up in warm clothing and hire or buy a garden shredder for the job. In addition to this one of the best tips we can give you is to have some some bags ready to collect the prunings as you remove them from the plant, it saves trying to rake them up later.
Pruning Service – In effort to assist our numbers of members and non members alike with this growing demand for winter care of plants and fruit trees , the GardenAdvice Team has launched the Winter Tree Pruning Service.
This service is available from November until the end of February and includes pruning your fruit trees and bushes, removing the prunings, tar washing the fruit plants, applying grease bands and feeding the fruit trees or bushes. For further information email us at: or visit