Young Gardener Or Young Naturalist.
Young gardener or young naturalist
If you are a young gardener or young naturalist now is a great time to join the young garden club with GardenAdvice with lots of projects you can help the GardenAdvice Team with over the spring and summer when you are on school holidays . One of the project we need your help on is our Bee Project and the good news is we are able to pay you a small amount for your time with some Whsmith vouchers for £10 in the UK and equivalent vouchers in other parts of the world.
The task is easy and has real scientific value what we would like you to do is to what the flower and plants in your garden for two set period of 2 hours each and note down how many bees, birds and other insects visit your garden and which plants they visit
Before you start you can email us some pictures of your garden plants and we can tell you the names of the plants and create some worksheets for you to make the field work a bit more streamlined
As part of the project you have to note down the weather conditions and light conditions during the period you watch your garden and for the day in general. Then you can either post the results in or fill in our on-line bee research forms. When we have you data we will post your WHSmith or other voucher then the combined results will be published at the end of June.
We will be releasing full details early next week so what this space