Make Sure Your Garden Is Insured.
You might assume your garden and its content are insured under you household contents insurance but often they are not and if they are the cover it limited to just a few hundred pounds. If you consider for a moment the value of even the most basic items in your garden then the overall value soon starts to build into the thousands of pounds with items such as garden furniture, buildings and sheds, plus the items within the shed such as ride on lawn mowers.
Stealing garden items is big business. A recent request for advice from the GardenAdvice team came from Scotland Yards special garden theft section, we wondered at first if this was a April fools type prank but no it was explained to us that stealing from gardens is on the rise and especially with items such as ride on lawn mowers, which are stolen and shipped abroad and are almost untraceable.
So the message is then renewing your household contents insurance ask about the policy and to what extend does it cover your garden and its contents. And if you cover is low or your insure is not sure then have a look around. John Lewis insurance is a good place to start, it might be because John Lewis sell a lot of high value garden items but what ever the reason they have spend some time and effort organising the household content insurance they offer to cover different levels of garden risk.
Then considering insurance for your garden these are a few points to consider
Damage by animals – you would be amazed how often the GardenAdvice Team have to advice on fixing lawns and boards after a heard of cows has escaped and gone on the rampage
Garden Shed contents – all those garden tools and lawn movers are going to add up to a few pounds especially the lawn mowers.
Garden Pods and spheres – the modern day pergolas they often have a value into the thousands of pounds
Bad Weather and flooding – you need to understand what your insurance cover I respect of weather conditions i.e the lost of a tree and the structures it can damage as it falls in high winds
Remember if you you are unsure the GardenAdvice Team are always around to help just visit the free advice section on the GardenAdvice web site and send in a request and we will normally get back to you within a couple of hours