RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival Volunteering opportunity with Alzheimer’s Research UK
Alzheimer’s Research UK | RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival
Volunteering opportunity, 16th June – 14th July 2022
· To apply please visit our website.
· Please read the Role Description in full for tasks, requirements & timetables
· Please share your availability on the application form
[Adding your date(s) to the question: ‘Please tell us what skills and abilities you think you bring to this volunteering role?’]
All applicants will require the following:
· To be physically able and mobile for manual handling, lifting, labouring and/or planting.
· To be 18+ years of age.
- Steel toe capped boots or shoes.
· Gardening and weather appropriate clothes and gloves.
· To be available for a day-long shift(s) between 16 June and 14 July.
So far, we have received a high volume of applications for which we are extremely thankful. Where possible, we hope to respond to all applicants with a final decision by Wednesday 1st June 2022. Regrettably, we may not be able to accept all applicants due to high demand and limited places.