The Advantages Of Organic Soil
As animals and plants decompose, they add much-needed nutrients to the soil. Soil that has been amended through the decomposition of natural materials like these is referred to as organic soil. Sadly, agricultural practices throughout the world have depleted the majority of soil of most of its nutrients. Before farmers can label their produce as certified organic, they must have soil that meets the requirements put forth by the USDA. Any soil that has been depleted through modern agricultural practices must be amended with organic materials to restore it to a more nutrient-dense state.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Organic Soil?
Compared to soil that has been depleted by agricultural activities, organic soil is much more capable of cultivating plants. The organic components in the soil lead to better drainage, helping to keep the ground from becoming too densely packed. This makes planting a lot easier. Soil that has been amended with organic compounds contains far more nutrients than depleted soil. It also is better able to resist pathogens that can damage plants. A mycelial layer forms on soil that is healthy. This layer naturally detoxifies the soil, removing chemicals and pesticides.
Studies have found that soil that is rich in decaying organic compounds does a better job of resisting unwanted pests. Organic farmers don’t need to rely on pesticides like traditional farmers since the soil itself helps naturally protect their crops. Plants that are grown in rich organic soil have more minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients, making them healthier to consume. Compared to traditional agricultural practices, organic farmers typically use about half as much energy to grow and harvest their crops.
In essence, organic soil not only benefits consumers but also provides a number of environmental advantages.
Water Quality Is Not Regulated For Organic Farming
Currently, the USDA doesn’t have any regulations in place regarding the water that organic farmers use on their crops. Sadly, some organic farmers use water supplied by the city. Water like this can contaminate the soil. These contaminants can then find their way into the plants themselves, making them less healthy to consume.
Although it takes a little bit of work, you can find out whether or not the plants you are eating were grown using a municipal water supply. The first step in the process is to figure out which farm they were grown on. Then, contact the farm directly to find out whether they use purified water or well water for their crops. Make sure the water has been thoroughly tested to ensure that it doesn’t contain contaminants. Most organic farmers will be happy to answer any questions you have since they understand how important it is to consume healthy foods.
Don’t hesitate to learn as much as you can about the fruits and vegetables that you purchase to ensure that they are healthy to consume. A nifty trick we’d advise is Invest in a grow tent and purchase LED grow lights online. They tend to pay dividends if you really want to be serious.
Hopefully this will help you on your journey to a better vegetable and fruit growing experience.