Working From Home In A Garden Office.
With the price of fuel, the raising cost of travel many city based office employees are being asked to consider working partly from home for part of the working week away from the main office. Its a great idea, a win win for both parties, the employer saves money the employee gets more work done using the time he would normally spend traveling to work.
To be effective working from home you need to set up some rules for yourself, when you are going to work, etc. There is always the temptation whilst working from home to “just take care of that small house hold task” that’s why to be successful working from home its a good idea if you have the space and the funds available to install a small garden office in the garden – now days they are very affordable and can often be financed as an addition to your mortgage. A garden office has the advantage to being a space just for that purpose – Working from home.
Often Siting a new home office in your garden means redesigning or altering your existing gardens layout and there are a number of things to consider. Firstly the access which normally is by a path but could be with a type of stepping stones, Ideally it wants to be illuminated with soft lighting so your garden office is accessible at night. Other consideration are views from the home office on to your garden or maybe you will need to screen of some of the views if your new home office looks onto a road or another property.