Pricking out seedlings

Pricking out plant seedlings.
Once the seeds you have sown have germinated and have grown to a size you can handle they will need to be transferred into individual pots or containers. This is called pricking out.
The key is to transfer the seedlings without “checking” them causing loss of growth and stunted growth. It’s important to handle the seedlings by the leaves and not the stem because if you damage the stem the seedling will not recover.
Holding the seedling by a leaf dig out the seedling with a stick or dibber saving as much root as possible. Then transfer the seedling into a new container or pot so the seedling is at the same height as it was in the seed tray.
Finally, water well in with a watering can with a fine rose on a watering can too remove all the air around the roots of the seedling now it has been potted.