Garden created with a GardenAdvice client over 5 year with the GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service and GardenAdvice gardening course

After 5 years with the structural planting complete the next stage is to add some perennials plants to extend the colour in the spring and summer. Click Here to watch the garden progress.
Patio and outdoor seating area created by GardenAdvice clients with our MyGardenTeam service

New patio and seating area created with a client working with the GardenAdvice expert gardeners View more pictures and details Click Here
New garden created with the MyGardenTeam service
Orchard wildflower restoration project

Orchard Wildflower restoration project – Coming shortly
Creating a winter hanging basket with violas and spring bulbs

Violas similar to pansies are a great winter flower for a winter and spring hanging basket. Add some spring bulbs and you are all set to go for a great display of colour. Click Here for more details and instructional notes