Tips To Make Your Backyard Bloom
As the warmer weather draws near and the evenings are lighter for longer, what better way to indulge your senses and relax your mind than by unwinding in your own backyard? This time of year is known for its vibrancy and life as many flowers burst into full bloom displaying a majestic array of colors and designs. As a gardener, you will likely wish to optimize this spectacle and in this article, we will outline some handy tips to help you do just that.
Choose Carefully
When choosing your flowers go for ones that will give you the biggest blooms ensuring your backyard has visual appeal for most of the year. Consider annual flowers such as Giant White Moonflower, Perennial Salvia and Fireworks Clematis to maximize the length of the bloom period. Choose plants and flowers that suit the conditions in your backyard to ensure they grow well and look their best and visit a wholesale nursery for ideas on what types of flora and foliage to plant.
Use Good Soil
When planting your flower bed add some manure or compost to your soil beforehand. Soil that is fertile and rich with organic material such as rotted manure, peat moss and compost will ensure your plants receive the most amount of nutrients. Good quality soil also encourages bacteria that keeps the soil healthy and fertile.
For better results make sure to remove the wilted and faded flowers from your plants. This will allow them to focus their efforts on forming new buds and flowers rather than waste precious resources on dead or fading parts. Another reason to deadhead your plants is to avoid them attracting insects and diseases. Deadheading is especially important for certain varieties of plants such as hydrangeas, marigolds, geraniums, pansies and petunias.
Fertilize Regularly
For the greatest amount of flowers in your garden make sure to feed them regularly with a water-soluble fertilizer that is especially formulated for flowers. This will usually include phosphorus or phosphates to promote flower buds and blooming, nitrogen for rich foliage and potash or potassium to help your plants develop a healthy root system. Annual flowers use up a great deal of energy in forming buds and blooming so a good tip is to feed them with organic fertilizer every three to six weeks.
Give Them Sun
Sunlight is essential for your plants to grow and your flowers to blossom and bloom. Ensuring they have access to direct sunlight each day is necessary for them to flower, so before you choose a spot to plant your flower beds make sure they allow for maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day.
Tend to the Roots
It is through the vital root system that your plants and flowers receive and absorb the water and nutrients they need from the soil. To ensure an abundant and healthy bloom be careful not to cut the roots of the plant as this could cause irreversible damage.
Mulching can protect your plants’ roots and is also good for keeping weeds away. A layer of mulch is also beneficial for evening out your flower beds as well as enhancing their beauty during their flowering season.
Follow the tips in this article to ensure the flowers in your backyard bloom for longer and more fully.