Plant suggestions for outdoor tubs and pots
Create some great garden colours in pots and tubs.
Winter Scent – daphne auto marginata and Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Purple Stem’ both these plants provide fantastic scent in winter which is great to come home to on a damp wet day.
Summer Scent – with tubs etc summer scent is often best achieved with wall shrubs trained on trellis or directly on the wall. Examples include trachelospermum jasminoides, cytisus battandieri, and clematis armandii.
Winter colour – One of the best plants for winter colour is Skimmia rubella with its colourful flowers and berries.
Summer colour – too many plants to choose from but have a look at ceanothus, Spiraea japonica Goldflame and cistus silver pink.
Plants to use with the above to add more Seasonal colour – all the above plants will be the feature plants but you can add additional plants to extend the colour and interest in the tubs or pots. Examples are
Iris reticulata
dicentra spectabilis
cyclamen hederifolium
Colchicum autumnale
Tulips and crocus
Clematis jackmanii