Jackie's Garden Notes

Installing water butts

Installing a few water butts around your house on your roof drainage down pipes is a great idea now especially as the climate is changing and we have long periods without rain, then period...

Autumn lawn renovation results

The lawn will need topping through the winter cutting no more than a third of the total grass leaf length in one cut. Cutting on dry frost free days. How to improve your lawn...

Notes on Spring bulbs

As we get into autumn now is the time to plant some spring bulbs Iris reticulata’Early season flowering bulb planted in the ground or in pots with John Inness compost Crocus bulbsEarly season flowering...

How to Level an uneven Lawn

To level and uneven lawn its best carried out in the autumn as the weather starts to turn slightly colder but the soil is still warm from the summer sun. The warmth in the...

Autumn lawn renovation

Autumn Lawn Renovation Guide for 2024 As we enter the autumn of 2024, late September to early October emerges as the perfect period for lawn renovation. During this time, the soil retains enough warmth...

Hardwood cutting for shrubs for the garden

With the front garden we have been thinking you could grow some shrubs from hardwood cuttings Here is a list to some suitable shrubs Abelia,Deutzia,Buddleja (butterfly bush),Cornus (dogwood),Forsythia,Philadelphus (mock orange)Ribes (flowering currant),Rosa (rose), SymphoricarposViburnums.Sambucus Racemosa...

Biological control for ants

With the traditional methods of control ants such as ant powder not working in wet conditions and the ants not causing harm to your garden plants and grass using a Biological control such as...

New steps for the dogs

As the dogs get a bit older they need a helping had into the house through the dog door. Make from slabs and bricks with the top step removable if you need to open...

Pricking out seedlings

Pricking out plant seedlings.Once the seeds you have sown have germinated and have grown to a size you can handle they will need to be transferred into individual pots or containers. This is called...