How to Level an uneven Lawn

To level and uneven lawn its best carried out in the autumn as the weather starts to turn slightly colder but the soil is still warm from the summer sun. The warmth in the soil will help the turf produce roots when its relayed.
Firstly carry out your standard autumn maintenance, scarification and spiking.Then before you top dress the lawn use a turfing iron to to lift the turf in the low spots and add more soil and replay. Finish with over seeding and topdressing the whole lawn.

The seed will take around 2 to 3 weeks to germinate once the new grass seedling are about 25mm high you can lightly sweep the lawn to remove any small stones from the top dressing.
At this stage rolling or walking over the lawn will lightly damage the grass shoots causing the grass to tiller creating more shoots and thicker turf sward.