Winter washes for pest and disease control
Winter wash pest and disease control on roses and fruit trees and bushes
Winter wash and tar wash
Application of tarwash or winter wash during the winter is now key with climate change to help keep your rose and tree trees and bushes free of pests and diseases during the spring and summer months
Applied once the plant has dropped the leaves in the autumn or winter on a frost free day. It is applied as a jet from a sprayer and allowed to run down the plant’s branches killing all the overwintering pests, eggs and disease spores. In the case of bacterial diseases it is important to remove as many of the fallen leaves as possible on the ground under the plant and treat the soil under the plant and mulch with a general mulch.
Traditionally jeyes fluid has been the product to use but as it was never tested for this purpose it is no longer recommended official
The plants we are intending to treat with winter wash are as follows
• Roses
• Wisteria