Get started with MyGardenTeam – Your Garden Expert
MyGardenTeam Whats it all about
MyGardenteam – its a simple idea that provides you with a personal gardening expert on the Garden Advice team to help you plan and carry out your gardening projects over the Internet, by telephone and email plus at an additional charge, we can help in person in your garden if you need a extra helping hand to get a project started, maybe a new garden border or lawn etc.
This online element of the service provides you with access to your gardening calendars and notes created by your MyGardenTeam gardening expert. You can also create your own notes and upload your own gardening pictures by signing in to this part of the service.

For additional information on creating posts and uploading photos as well as videos and other content about your garden projects click on the user guide link on the right hand side of this page. The user guide contains lots of useful tips and how to videos to show you how to do this.
Alternatively if you can email your MyGardenTeam garden advisor with your photos and text and they will be happy to create the content for you to produce a record of the progress you have made creating your garden.
Useful features in the MyGardenTeam service
MyGardenTeam has lots of great features to help you with your garden such as the online calendar updated by your MyGardenTeam garden advisor keep you up to date with when to feed and prune your plants and sow vegetable seeds etc. The calendar can also be linked to an alert service by email or SMS message at no additional charge. MyGardenTeam services include and estimating service to help you order plants and landscaping materials at the best prices to save you time and money.
To get started, Go to your site admin and log in with your username and password which will have been emailed when your MyGardenTeam service was set up.