Lynn and Fredericks Garden Notes

Composting autumn leaves

Autumn is a beautiful time of the year as the leaves of deciduous trees change from green to shades of red, flame and gold, colouring the landscape and garden. However all gardeners know that...

Mulching your flower borders

Weeding and mulchingĀ – your border needs a quick weed. After weeding apply mulch which is a clean material that stops the sunlight from reaching the weed seeds and smoothers the weeds. With your garden...

Spring bulbs summer bulbs

Late autumn and early winter is the best time for planting spring flowering bulbs such as crocus and tulips and also for planting summer flowering bulbs such as Allium The only except is snowdrop...

Screening in your garden

One of the best instant screening shrubs is Photinia it can be purchase at a reasonable cost and if planted I well prepared soil it will grow away and increase in size quite quickly....

Now is the time to feed your garden

Late October into February is the best time to feed you plants with some Growmore fertilizer. The last of the heavy winter rains will wash the nutrients into the soil ready for the plants...

Pricking out seedlings

Pricking out plant seedlings.Once the seeds you have sown have germinated and have grown to a size you can handle they will need to be transferred into individual pots or containers. This is called...