Mulching your flower borders

Weeding and mulchingĀ – your border needs a quick weed. After weeding apply mulch which is a clean material that stops the sunlight from reaching the weed seeds and smoothers the weeds. With your garden spent mushroom compost would be the best bet as it contains lots of lime and will help the raise the soil pH slightly and increase the organic mater in the soil.
Before you apply the spent mushroom compost its a good idea just to check you have a few existing lob worms in the soil. These are the worm with a ring or saddle around the body of the worm. Lob worms will quickly increate in numbers under a spent mushroom compost mulch and will start to drag the spent mushroom compost into the soil and help improve the soils structure and moisture holding capacity in the summer months.
If you find no lobworms in your soil contact your GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam gardeners and we will arrange to supply you some lobworms