Caring For Indoor Azaleas.
How do I care for an azalea tree? Can it survive outdoors after blooming. or are they only for indoor?
Azaleas enjoy bright light, but no direct sun.Keep the plant cool, ideal is 50 deg- 60 deg F,and mist daily when flowering,keep wet at all times, not just moist.Without the proper care the flowers can wilt and leaves drop with two weeks.After they bloom, move the plant to a cool room and continue to water.After the danger of frost has passed,put the azalea in a shady spot in your garden until early autumn, continuing to water and feed.Then bring into a cool room. When the flowers bloom, move to the display area.The Indian Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii) is the most popular.It is important to keep it wet,cool and brightly lit.The Japanese Azalea (Rhododendron Obtusum) has smaller blooms but can be planted in the garden.
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