Indoor Cyclamen Care.
How can I care for my indoor cyclamen now it has finished flowering? .
Cyclamen (cyclamen persicum) are one of the most popular winter flowering pot plants,and with the appropriate care can last several months.They do best in a north facing window and do not like direct sun.Cyclamen prefer cool temperatures, 50 deg – 60 deg F ideally,and high humidity.To increase the humidity stand the pot on a pebble tray filled with water or set the plant in a larger pot surrounded with damp peat.Cyclamen should be kept moist at all times and only watered by the immersion method;this involves setting the plant in a bowl of water so that the cyclamen takes the water from the bottom up until the surface glistens.Do not allow water to touch the crown.When the cyclamen has finished its bloom, reduce watering and stop feeding.Place the pot on its side and keep dry until midsummer.Then re-pot with fresh compost, planting the tuber to half its depth. Stand in a cool, well-lit spot and water to keep moist.
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