How To Sow Vegetable Seeds.
When Sowing vegetable seeds whether in a seed hay or in drills directly in the ground a number of basic rules must be observed to ensure Success.
1. The seeds need to make good contact with the soil or compost.This means that no air pockets are allowed to form around the seed.This is normally achieved by firming the Soil or compost after sowing.This is important because it allow the seed to access the moisture it requires for germination,Plus any air pockets around the seed will mean that the seed could dry out.
2. The depth the seed is sown at is also important as a general guide a seed should be sown at twice its height So if a seed is 5mm high it should be sown at 10mm depth in the compost or soil.
3. Seeds and seedling especially in the first 21 days need to be kept moist but not over wet.This is achieved by watering little and often ideally using a watering can with a fine rose head.One of the best watering can for this purpose is a Haws watering can.
For information on seeds sowing see the videos on our facebook page.