Moving An Oak Tree.
Its very difficult to do, mainly because oak trees do not have a very fibrous root system making it hard to dig them up and keep the feeding roots required to help in the uptake of water, and also oak tree are very reliant on symbiotic relationships with fungus and other organisms in the soil,these relationships are broken once the soil is disturbed.
The best way to try to move an oak tree is to dig a trench around the tree about 1.5 meters away from the main stem in spring or summer, To cut the main roots to help encourage more feeding roots to develop and then to try to move the tree in the autumn or winter with as much root as possible.
When moving the oak reduce the top by a third by crown thinning and replant with lots of organic matter and plants.Not forgetting to water the tree in its new position every few days for 6 months to a year.