Planting Under Evergreen Trees In Dry Soil Conditions.
Planting under evergreen trees in dry soil conditions:
Planting under evergreen trees presents a few problems,firstly the
conditions are normally quite dry because of the tree and secondly the
soil under most evergreen trees including conifers is quite acid.
Normally both these problems can be solved by adding spent mushroom
compost that is a good source of organic mater and lime.The organic
matter will help hold moisture in the soil and make it available to
plants and the the lime will lower the soil pH.
Some suitable plants for under an evergreen tree include ferns,
Skimmias,Sarcococca(beautifully scented in winter),Rhododendrons
(depending on your soil type) Hellebores,Snowdrops,Cyclamen,
Brunnera,Pulmonaria,Epimediums,Foxgloves.However if it is under a
conifer or an evergreen hedge then you are looking for plants that
like dry shade like Polystichum ferns,Ivy(there are many different
leaved ones)butchers broom.