Pruning Victoria Plum.
Pruning victoria plum tree, only been planted 18 months and already 5ft tall. It has produced fruit.
With regard to your question on pruning Victoria plum trees,I am
assuming that your tree is growing as a standard,half standard or bush.Firstly,you must always remember to prune in June to avoid Silver Leaf.Secondly,as the tree has already begun to form its shape you need to prune back all the lead growth to just above a strong bud 10-12 inches from the main trunk to provide a strong framework for future years.This will also stop your tree from becoming unmanageable.
The following year you need to prune back the new leads to about 10-12 inches from their main stem and all other side shoots to around 6 inches.In subsequent years you need to cut back the leads by about a third and all others back to 6 inches.Keep the centre open at all times removing straggly growth or intertwined branches to aid air circulation.All prunings are best burnt if possible. For More information:
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