Replacing A Leylandii Hedge (Cupressocyparis Leylandii).
Because of disease or simple old age over the next 5 years as many as 750,000 leylandii(Cupressocyparis Leylandii)hedges will need to be replaced in the UK.
With climate change and disease it will not be advisable to plant replant with leylandii.Some more suitable quick growing hedging plants are:
Laurel(Prunus Laurocerasus RotUndifolia)
Photinia Red Robin(Photinia x Fraseri)
Oleaster Hedging(Elaeagnus x Ebbingei)
Green Holly(Ilex Aquifolium)
And for a very fast growing alternative you should consider bamboo.
When replanting into soil formally used for growing leylandii its critical to replenish the soil with humists in the form of organic matter such as garden compost or well rotted farm yard or horse manure.Ideally digging in a barrow full or quarter of a cubic meter per meter square of soil area.The reason is that leylandii hedges grow so quickly they tend to remove all the organic mater within a soil and de-structure it.Also depending on the replacement hedging plant you might need to add garden lime as the leylandii tend to make the soil quite acid with the material dropped by the leylandii over a number of years.