Turf Disease – Snow Mould And Fusarium Patch.
How do I cure Fusarium in my lawn?
This disease is the curse of anyone trying to create a first class lawn, especially now we seem to be getting warmer winters.The disease spreads in humid conditions mainly in the autumn and warmer periods of the winter.The best control is by cultural methods which are firstly,to avoid using high nitrogen fertilizer in autumn as it produces lush growth in autumn and winter,which makes the grass plants highly susceptible to the disease.Keep the thatch layer in the turf to a minimum by scarification and hollow coring in your autumn maintenance program.Scarifying in the autumn also helps by reducing the density of the turf sward,and help will air movement reducing humidity.For serious attacks the best cure is a systemic fungicide, Thiophanate-methyl applied during the summer and early autumn,acts inside the grass plants systemically to kill any infection, preventing any further development.Carbendazim is another systemic agent which kills the mycelium.
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