Yellowing Grass Leaf Blades Within A Lawns Sward.
With regard to your question on your lawn and the yellowing of some of the blades/leaves of grass:
In the type of winter we have just had,it’s quite normal for the grass to get yellowing leaf blades and the grass plants prepare for new growth in the spring by removing the nutrients from older leaves and placing them in the main stem so that they are available for new growth.
However it might also be as you mentioned compaction causing localised bad drainage or simply a lack of air in the soil.On a garden lawn the best way to cure this is to wait until the soil is moist but not wet and using a garden fork push it into the full depth of the tines or as far as it will go and then slightly pull the fork handle back about 50 to 70mm.This will cause a slight heave in the soil breaking any compaction or pan in the soil.This operation should be carried out 4 times within a square metre.
In addition to this the lawn will benefit from a liquid feed using a standard liquid tomato available from most garden centres.4 cap fulls too two gallons of water in a cheap plastic watering can with a course rose heap watered directly onto the lawn using about 2 gallons for 10 square metres. This will kick start the grasses growth and you should loss the yellowing appearance within 13 to 15 days.
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