Sally and Keith's Garden Notes

Weed control

With the front garden under the gate using heavy duty weed sheeting would be a good idea cover with a high quality bark or wood chip. Before laying the sheeting down weed the area...

Creating a wildlife pond

In many ways developing and creating a wildlife pond is easier than building a formal pond. With its sloping banks and beaches created from cobbles its a lot easier to work with the water...

Irrigation from water butts

Using a simple timer attached to the tap on your water butt can create a simple drip irrigation system to water a raised bed or pots automatically when you are away on holiday etc....

Alkaline or limey soil

A normally or average soil pH is around pH 6.5, with an acid soil such as peat soil being around pH 5.5 and a chalky soil which is alkaline being around pH 7.0Your soil...

Initial garden plan and concept plan

Concept garden plan PDF Concept layout plan pdf Structural changes new bed shapes- we are wondering about adding some beds in front of the steps on the patio now or later. Wildlife type pond...

Pricking out seedlings

Pricking out plant seedlings.Once the seeds you have sown have germinated and have grown to a size you can handle they will need to be transferred into individual pots or containers. This is called...