Sally and Keith's Garden Notes

Notes on bulbs for autumn 2022

As we get into autumn now is the time to plant some spring bulbs Iris reticulata’Early season flowering bulb planted in the ground or in pots with John Inness compost Crocus bulbsEarly season flowering...

Dealing with honey fungus

Honey Fungus is one of the most devastating problems you will encounter in the garden.In simple terms it’s a fungus that grows and consumes dead wood, such as dead branches and particles of wood...

Hogging gravel self binding gravel

Hoggin is a great alternative to tarmac and plain gravel drives and paths  What is hogging  Hoggin or ‘graded hoggin’ is derived from dug gravel or pit-run gravel which includes significant amounts of clay....

Garden slug control

Slugs Problems There are 24 different species of slug in Britain, about half of which can be found in the garden. Most slugs eat decaying vegetation, but readily switch to young or delicate plants,...

Starting on new wildlife pond

Watch a video of the wildlife pond when its almost complete Click Here client Sally a MyGardenTeam member with the help of the expert gardeners from GardenAdvice dug out the new pond designed...