Creating A Seed Bed For A New Lawn From Seed.
Once the area have been dug over or rotovated and the requires sand or organic matter etc added start raking it with a rake in different directs treading with your feet on the larger lumps as you go.Do not be to worried about the levels at this stage,next rake it so you have rough levels then using your feet with boots on start to tread the area and you should be able to feel the local low and high spots.Simply rake to remove the high and low spots.Remember to rake in several directions.
Next sowing the seed the key hear is to make sure the seed makes contact with the soil.So apply by hand in several directions for example if its two ounces per square metre divide this into three equal amounts and sow in three lots in different directions.The lightly rake in about 5 mm then tread the area again with you feed,lightly rake again and water.Then the next 14 days make sure the area is kept damp by watering or rain.