Damping Off With Seedlings.
Every year I try lobelia from seed.I get good results at the propagation stage with Lobelia Crystal Palace seed.Either just before or just after I separate the seedlings EVERY year they wilt.I can only describe the seedlings become weak,collapse and then rot under a very light,hair-like mould around the 2-3 week stage.They never even develop a second set of leaves.
With regard to your question on your Lobelia Crystal Palace seedlings,the problem is caused by damping off.Damping off is a fungus disease that seedlings are prone to and can be caused by overcrowding,unsterilized soil, damp conditions and damaged plants.Seedlings rot at the stem base,then keel over and die.Watering the seedlings with a solution of Chestnut compound (a fungicide) will prevent damping off.Chestnut compound is available from most garden centres.The reason most commercial growers do not get damping off is because they buy in seedlings as plugs or young seedlings from another supplier who grows the seedlings in very sterile conditions.
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