Drooping Hellebore flowers
Hellebore tend with both the foliage and flowers to droop naturally at this time of year just as they come into full flower – its a bit annoying to say the least, some of the most recent varieties bread over the last few year tend not to droop so much.
We have found that using a soil based compost John Innes number 2 and feeding in the later summer with liquid tomato feed which contains high potash creates a fuller plant which tends to stop the the plants drooping so much.
This is a natural characteristic of the plant and is not usually a sign of a problem. In fact, this habit is part of what makes hellebore flowers so unique and visually interesting. The downward facing flowers are also better protected from rain and snow, which can help keep the blooms from becoming damaged. If the flowers are wilting or browning, however, this could be a sign of a problem such as over-watering or a pest infestation.