Growing Pyracantha From Seed

I would like to know if it is possible to grow a red-berried Pyracantha from seed.
It should be possible by collecting seeds from a plant in the autumn and early winter. Once collected, you will need to remove the outer coat of the seed, the red fleshy part, and then place the seed in your fridge for 60 days to break the seed’s cold dormancy mechanism. Lightly scratch the seed coat with some very fine sandpaper to scuff the hard coat, and then you can sow the seeds as normal.
Pyracantha is very easy to propagate from September to December from semi-ripe stem cuttings from the current year’s growth, with a small part of the previous year’s growth on the base of the cutting. Please note this method will produce rooted cuttings until later winter, but cuttings taken after Christmas never seem to grow as well as ones taken between September and December. For more information on growing pyracantha from seed. Click Here