How To Install Landscape Edging.
Installing a landscape edge is normally a term used with an edge installed on a lawn to maintain the shape of the lawn and to create a sharp or clear cut edge to a lawn were it joins or travels along side a flower border.The landscape edge can be created from a plastic, wood or metal strip, sometimes from brick.
As an additional use a landscaping edge is also used as a kind of a template to which the grass edge can be cut back to.
To install a landscaping edge around an existing lawn first cut the lawn to the required shape.Next dig a trench around the lawn deep enough to take the edge,then place the edge around the lawn altering the height so its just below the level of the lawn.With a plastic or metal landscaping edge it can be lightly tapped with a wooden peg or hammer to lower the level.
When the level is correct back fill with soil and compact the soil back into the trench.
When a landscaping edge is being installed on a new lawn yet to be laid, Simply dig a trench to the required shape of the lawn and install the edge to the required level and rake the soil to the edge compacting the soil on both sides. In this installation the landscaping edge also serves to act to set the level of the finished lawn.