Moving A Hydrangea – Not An Easy Project

Moving an established hydrangea is not the easiest project simply because they are very hard to move with any of the smaller fibrous roots.

Moving it in January and February is OK it’s one of the best times. Just make sure then you move it when there is no frost in the ground as this can burn the roots when it’s replanted.

The main problem with moving a hydrangea is that it’s hard to dig it up with any smaller fibrous roots, these are the roots that take up moisture from the soil. So it’s best to dig it up and wrap it in a sheet and replant it as soon as possible using lots of organic matter such as garden compost, composted lawn clipping etc when replanting.

Then after replanting the prune, the stems back by a third. In the first year after moving it will struggle to re-establish so keep watering and feeding it with liquid plant food through the spring and summer. Then in the second year after moving, it should get moving again with some new growth.

If the plant is very shocked or checked by the move it will die back but you should see later in the first season after moving, the new shoots appear from the base of the plant.