Sowing Vegetable Seed Outside.

Any advice on sowing vegetable seeds outdoors.
Seed sowing for vegetables in open ground:traditionally seeds have always been sown in rows.This allows for the plants to be weeded manually with the use of a hoe. It also allows for thinning out of the plants as they grow.
However,if you are growing vegetable plants in smaller numbers it is often better to sow the seeds in small blocks,a method suitable for small raised beds.This is because growing plants in this way forms a mini micro-climate around the plants. Each plant provides shelter for its neighbour and this creates a more humid climate, which is a more suitable climate for most vegetable plants.
Whether you are sowing in rows or blocks, the general guidelines are the same. Firstly, the soil must be broken down into a fine tilth.This is so the soil can make good contact with the seed when its been sown providing the germinating seed with a constant source of water.If the soil is in large lumps the seed might sit in an air pocket and not be able to take up any water or moisture from the soil.
Secondly, as a rule of thumb,a seed should be sown twice as deep as the size of the seed.For example a pea seed 10mm in size needs to be sown 20mm deep. Finally,after sowing and covering with the soil you should firm the soil in around the seed with the back of a rake or your feet.

Ideally you should sow seed so it’s spaced out.With pea seed it is quite easy because of the size of the seed;however,with the smallest seeds which are more the size of dust particles,it’s a good tip to add a couple of tea spoons of dry silver sand to help spread the seed and also enable you to see where the seed has been sown.

After you have finished sowing the seed,watering the area helps to fine the soil around the seed and remove any air pockets that are left in the seed bed. Use a watering can with a fine rose head:if it’s too coarse a rose it will de-structure the soil and it will become too compacted.
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