Ground Cover Under A Shady Tree.
Ground cover under a shady tree. What is the tree – is it deciduous or evergreen? The problem with sites under trees is that they can be very dry. If you improve the soil with compost and organic matter this will help retain the moisture retension qualites of the soil.As a result you will find that groundcover plants will grow much more happily and it also opens up the spectrum of plants that you can grow.
The toughest plants with no extra work are Ivy, Butchers broom, Polystichum seitiferum (fern)Perrywinkle (Vinca major), Euphorbia robbiae,Bergenia.Helleborus foetidus.They will be happier with better conditions.
Under a deciduous tree with soil improved Skimmias, Sarcoccoca, Pulmonaria, Hellborus orientalis, Cyclamen coum and heredifolium.Vinca minor is also a good carpeter.