Cleaning A Greenhouse For Spring.
Setting up a greenhouse for spring.
Winter is a good time to set up your greenhouse for the coming spring.The most important job is to thoroughly clean the greenhouse using a horticultural disinfectant or Jeyes fluid.You need to clean the glass,path,benches etc it is handy to use a small hands prayer to make sure you get the disinfectant into all the gaps in the framework of the greenhouse to kill the overwinter pest eggs and fungal and bacterial Spores.
Once the glasshouse has been cleaned the next stage is to use a sulphur candle which is lit and releases a cloud of Sulphur into the greenhouse helping to kill any overwintering pest and disease spores.
Before using the candle,remove all plants from the greenhouse(with the exception of dormant peach trees or vines).Check all doors, windows and ventilation points are completely closed,place the candle on a brick in the middle of the greenhouse,and light the paper wick.The sulphur around the wick should melt and then burn with a very pale blue,almost invisible flame. Leave the greenhouse completely closed and sealed.
After 12 hours open up the greenhouse and ventilate to remove fumes.One Vitax Sulphur Candle will fumigate an average 8ft x 10ft greenhouse, and for larger greenhouses you can use more candles simultaneously.