Meconopsis Betonicifolia From Seed.
Sow February to July at around 15C (60F) on the surface of a free draining, sterile, damp peat/sand mix compost.Light is required for germination so do not cover the seeds – just gently press the seeds onto the surface of the seed compost. High humidity is required – cover the seeds with a transparent propagator lid or even a clear plastic bag.The seeds germinate rapidly – you should seed some activity at around 4 weeks, certainly by 8 weeks. If you don’t see any seedlings by then,place the propagation tray in a refrigerator for 3-4 weeks to pre-chill.Controlling the temperature is all important as high temperatures will hinder germination.
The seedlings are quite delicate and small when they first emerge – do not disturb them.They are also very prone to damping off. Hence, a sterile, well drainig medium is important.Prick out the seedlings when they have developed their first true leaves and grow them on at between 8 and 10° C until they are well developed plants.Then,harden off prior to transplanting out in their permanent sites.