Tulips After They Have Finished Flowering.
What should I do with my tulips after they have finished flowering can I use them again next year.
Once your tulips have flowered the first year,they will never produce the same quality of flowers in the following year.However they can still provide a welcome splash of spring colour.Once they have finished flowering remove the seed heads by cutting the flowering stems down.Then water the remaining leaves with a liquid fertilizer.This will help build up the bulb for next year.With most flowers that are produced from bulbs after flowering the foliage dies back and the energy in the plant is used to produce a flower for the following year inside the bulb.So feeding at this stage will have a benefit.
Once the foliage has died back this means all the energy in the leaves is now stored in the bulbs for next spring.The tulips can be left in the ground and in most cases they will over winter quite happily until next year. However if you wish to move the tulips to another location in the garden this is the time to move them.
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