Propagating Your Geraniums.
Geraniums are one of the most reliable plants in the home garden.They can be obtained in flower in late Spring and will add color to the garden until frost.They would be best planted in May for the most productive plants and should also be planted where they will receive sunlight for the optimal flower production.
Geraniums are annuals and will die when hit by frost but can be propagated. They will grow in almost any soil type if well aerated and porous and at a site where water drainage is good.
Due to the loss of these plants yearly caused by the cold as already established and one wants to attempt propagation in effort to keep their Geraniums.GardenAdvice offers a few tips that one can follow to achieve this.
Using cuttings where the stem is about 4 to 6 inches long is the first step to take.Then strip the lower leaves off the stem leaving the top leaves intact.Stick cuttings into damp potting mix and wait for the roots to grow which generally takes 3 to 4 weeks.Water sparingly during this period.After the cuttings have become established one can begin to fertilize the plants,making monthly applications until the plants are planted outside in beds.
Another way one can get the same plants the next year is to wait for them to go dormant after the cool weather,pot up the dormant plants and keep barely damp and store in a cool place until early the next year when you can begin watering and moving them to a warmer location.
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