Gardening calendar 2nd week May 2022
Now is a good time to feed your lawn, rather than using a high nitrate lawn feed which will cause a flush of growth and add a lot of nitrates to ground water effecting the local environment its better to use a lower slow release nitrate feed such as Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics Lawn Food
Support for perennials
Adding supports now for your perennial plants such as phlox to grow into will save lots of time later in the season trying to support plants that have fallen over.
Early season flowering shrubs
As your early season flowering plants have wintered flowering or producing berries such as skimmia and forsythia now is the time to prune them back. With plants such as forsythia that flower on second year growth or old its now quite so straight forward so ask your MyGardenTeam expert gardener for some advice.
Semi hardwood cuttings
With a lot of garden shrubs the new spring grow is starting to harden off so now is a good time to take some Semi hardwood cuttings os such plants as forsythia , weigela and sambucus. For more information Click Here
If you have a wisteria in flower provide it with a light feed of liquid tomato feed which contains high levels of potash to help maintain the flowering period for longer. If you wisteria is non flowering Click Here for further information
Now the risk of frost has passed in the UK it now time to start to sow your main vegetable crops in your vegetable garden or spaces in your flower borders