Ground sheeting

Ground sheeting, also known as landscape fabric or weed barrier, can be used in gardens to suppress weed growth, improve soil drainage, and reduce erosion. Here are some ways ground sheeting can be used in gardens:

  1. Weed control: Ground sheeting can help prevent weeds from growing in garden beds by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil. This can be especially useful in areas where weeds are a persistent problem.
  2. Soil protection: Ground sheeting can help protect soil from erosion caused by wind and rain. It can also help retain moisture in the soil, which can be beneficial for plant growth.
  3. Garden paths: Ground sheeting can be used as a base layer for garden paths. It can help prevent weeds from growing through the path and provide a stable surface for walking.
  4. Raised garden beds: Ground sheeting can be used as a liner for raised garden beds. This can help prevent weeds from growing up through the soil and can also help retain moisture in the bed.
  5. Under mulch: Ground sheeting can be placed under mulch to help prevent weeds from growing through the mulch layer. It can also help retain moisture in the soil.

When using ground sheeting in a garden, it’s important to make sure the material is permeable to water and air. This will help ensure that plants can still access the nutrients and moisture they need to thrive. Additionally, it’s important to properly install the ground sheeting to prevent it from becoming a barrier to plant growth or interfering with drainage.