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Roots, Shoots and Share
The “Roots, Shoots, and Share” service offered by GardenAdvice is a unique initiative designed to make gardening more accessible and sustainable for members of their MyGardenTeam service. The program provides members with free plant materials, including rooted and unrooted cuttings, seedlings, and young plants, delivered directly to their homes.
The service is not just about saving money on plants; it’s also about fostering a community of gardeners who share and cultivate plants together. By participating, you help reduce waste, as the plants are specifically selected to thrive in your garden’s environment, and you’re encouraged to pot them up and nurture them until they’re ready to be transplanted into your garden.
This service emphasizes sustainability and community-building by enabling members to share their gardening experiences and successes. It’s an empowering way to grow your garden without the need for expensive trips to garden centers, giving you the satisfaction of nurturing plants from the start.
As a GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam member, you have the unique opportunity to claim existing rooted cuttings and other plants from the schemes available list provided by the Roots, Shoots, and Share service. This allows you to select from a variety of plants that are ready to be nurtured and added to your garden.
Moreover, if you have a particular plant that holds sentimental value—such as a cherished rose from a family garden—you can request the GardenAdvice team to root a cutting for you. This personalised service ensures that your favourite plants, especially those with emotional significance, can continue to thrive and be shared with others. This not only helps preserve the memory associated with the plant but also enriches your garden with something deeply meaningful to you.
This additional flexibility and customisation offered by GardenAdvice enhances the Roots, Shoots, and Share experience, making it a truly personalised gardening service that caters to both your practical and emotional gardening needs .