Brown leaves on your palm trees


How to deal with a palm with brown leaves

I’ve had this Palm growing in a large tub for about 6 years.

It has been growing healthily until the past 6 months or so where the leaves are turning brown, probably with all the wet weather. Is it dying?

Could I cut it down to the base, or will that kill it?


It’s possible that the wet weather or recent frosts that have causing the brown leaves on your palm tree, but there could also be other factors at play, such as overwatering or a lack of nutrients. It’s important to identify the underlying issue before deciding on a course of action.

Cutting the palm down to the base is a drastic measure and could potentially kill the plant if not done correctly. Before attempting to prune the palm, you should first assess the overall health of the plant. Look for any signs of pests or disease and make sure the soil is well-draining and the roots are not waterlogged.

If you’re unsure about how to proceed, you may want to consult a GardenAdvice garden advisor/ horticulturist who can give you specific advice based on the type of palm and your local growing conditions.

In the meantime, you can try to improve the growing conditions for your palm by reducing watering, making sure the soil is well-draining, and applying a balanced fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep an eye on the plant to see if the condition improves, and consider pruning only if necessary.

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